Strawberry-yogurt-orange Smoothie

Preparation time:- 5 minutes                      Total Time:- 5-10 minutes

Serves:-  2                                                          Level:- Very Easy

In summer, this is one of the best ways to use strawberries in your diet. Start your day with this healthy calcium rich strawberry smoothie.






  1. Fresh or frozen strawberries- 6-8
  2. Plain or Strawberry flavored yogurt – 1 cup
  3. Cold milk- half cup
  4. Fresh orange juice- 1 orange
  5. Honey- 1 tablespoon
  6. Ice- Optional


1. Add the strawberries, yogurt, orange juice, honey and milk to a blender jar. You can add ice as per your choice. Blend until you get a rich creamy texture.

2. Pour the smoothie into a glass. Garnish the edge of the glass with fresh strawberry and mint leaves.



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