Spritz Cookies

Spritz Cookies


  1. Flour-2 cups
  2. Butter- Half cup
  3. Sugar- half cup
  4. Egg yolks- 4
  5. Vanilla extract-1 teaspoon
  6. For garnishing- chocolate chips or Candid cherries or sprinkles


1.Preheat your oven at 170ºC.

2.In a bowl add the butter and sugar. With the help of an electric mixer beat it until it turns fluffy.

3.Add the egg yolks and vanilla extract and again beat it for 2-3 times until well combined.

4.Add the flour and mix it with a spatula. Make a soft dough.

5.Cover the dough with a plastic wrap and refrigerate it for an hour.

6.Take out the dough from refrigerator and make small balls. Press it lightly with a fork and place the cookies to a lined baking tray. 

7.Decorate the cookies with chocolate chips and sprinkles

8.Bake it for 10-15 mins or until the edges turn little golden brown. Remove from the oven and gently transfer the cookies to a wire rack to cool.

9.Store it in a air tight container.

Categories: Cookies & Cakes

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