Rice Kheer (Indian Rice Pudding)


Preparation time:- 10-15 minutes                Cooking Time:- 30-40 minutes

Serves:- 4-6                                                          Level of cooking:- Easy


Kheer is an Indian rice pudding made from boiling rice with milk and sugar. It is flavored with green cardamom, Rose water or Kewra water with dry fruits. It is typically served as a dessert. It is made during festivals and special occasions.












  1. Full cream milk- 1 litre
  2. Evaporated milk- 1 can
  3. Small grain rice- 1/2 cup (soaked in water then drain)
  4. Sugar- 1/2 cup add more or less as per taste
  5. Cardamom pods/ cardamom powder- 2 (1/2 teaspoon)
  6. Cardamom powder- 1/2 teaspoon (optional)
  7. Dry fruits chopped- 1 tablespoon (cashew, almonds,pistachio)
  8. Ghee or clarified butter- 1/2 teaspoon
  9. Kewra water- few drops (optional)



1.In a small pan add ghee and toast the nuts and keep it aside. This is my personal choice, you can omit this process and use dry nuts as it it.

2.In a deep vessel add milk and evaporated milk. Let it boil in medium heat. Keep stirring so that milk doesn’t stick to the bottom

3.When it starts to boil then add rice to it and let it cook on low heat and keep stirring in between.

4.When rice is cooked and milk is almost half then add cardamom and toasted nuts. Reserve some nuts for garnishing.

5.Add sugar to taste and stir it well. When the kheer is thick then add kewra water 1-2 drops and mix it.

6.Switch off the gas and let it cool for sometime before serving.



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