Bread Gulab Jamun





Preparation time:- 15 minutes                          Cooking Time:- 3o minutes

Serves:- 14-16 gulab jamuns                             Level of cooking:- Easy



  1. White bread slices- 10 pieces
  2. Full cream milk- 1/2 glass (6-8 tablespoon)
  3. Chopped dry fruits- 2 teaspoons (Pistachio /Almonds)
  4. Pistachio- 3-4 for garnish
  5. Water- 1 cup
  6. Sugar- 1 cup
  7. Cardamom powder- 1/2 teaspoon
  8. Vegetable oil for frying



Step 1 :- Sugar Syrup

Heat a saucepan. Add water and sugar to it and let it boil.

Add cardamon powder, save some cardamom powder. Stir it well and let it boil on medium flame until sugar gets completely dissolved.

Boil it for 15-20 minutes on medium to low flame till it reaches one string consistency. Switch off the gas.

Step 2 :- Make Gulab Jamuns Balls

Add saved cardamon powder and 1/3 teaspoon of milk to chopped nuts. Mix it well and keep the stuffing aside.

Break all the breads into small pieces and put them into a kneading bowl. Add a tablespoon of milk at a time and keep kneading it. Keep adding milk and continue kneading until you get a smooth dough. Knead it into a soft dough and make sure there is no bread lumps in the dough.

Grease your hands with little oil and divide the dough into 14-16 small parts. Now take each part and roll in on your palm into a smooth crack free ball. Stuff 2-3 pieces of nuts in between and seal the edges and again roll it into a smooth ball. Repeat the process with remaining balls. Jamuns are now ready for frying.

Heat a saucepan and add oil in it. When the oil is hot, reduce the heat and drop all the balls to it. Keep frying on low to medium flame until its brown in colour. Take it out in a plate and drop the fried balls to hot sugar syrup. Boil it on low to medium flame for 2 minutes until the gulab jamuns absorb the sugar syrup. Switch off the gas and let it cool for some time.

Take out the gulab jamuns in serving bowl and garnish it with pistachio.





Categories: Desserts

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